Month: September 2021

Why Instagram Is Better Than Any Other Social Media Platforms

With over 4.2 billion users, the social media is now making astronomical growth. It’s become a compulsory medium for businesses to succeed in bent their audience. And that’s because the vast world of social media has made it incredibly easy to create fruitful connections for online business. But even during this social media crowd, there’s…

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Ethiopia Finally Seeing the Return of Magdala Treasures Looted by British Soldiers

A collection of Maqdala objects looted by British troops in 1868 became the bone of contention in April 2018, as the Ethiopian government pushed for restitution.Although the British museums contend that they do not have the authority to fully restore ownership to the Ethiopian government, the collection has finally been handed over to the present…

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A Cursory Look at How Interior Decorators Effectively Pull Together Custom Paint Colors.

Many wonder how professional interior decorators use two or three custom paint colors and succeed in creating a pulled-together look in home interior spaces. Actually, even interior decorators find choosing a color palette a daunting task because there’s an endless array of interior paint colors available as choices. Still, their approach to narrowing down…

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