Month: September 2019

Why Are Artists Drawn Into Video Games And Video Game Art

Looking at the fortnite leaderboards, you would see how many players are into this video game and how much they really enjoy the game. Aside from fortnite, there are other various video games that people love to play as they are more than entertaining as well as engaging, thanks to video game developers. Video Game…

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Native American Beadwork : Still Flourishing Through Its Application in High Fashion

Native American artists today carry on with traditional craft work, while adding elements that reflect their personal visions and interpretations. A number of Native American art works are mostly found in non-urban regions, as they continued to flourish even after colonial times. Basketry, leathercraft, traditional weaving, headdress and mask making were commonly adorned with traditional…

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The Art of Effective Communication with Staff

Regardless of the emphasis placed recently on the important function of employee participation in the achievement of a company (in terms of growth and financial returns), just 53 percent of associations measure employee participation, with just people that have elevated levels of involvement measuring it regularly, not only annually. It’s estimated that 15 percent of…

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Visual Artist Around The World

The world of art and fashion has been around for a long time. As a creative expressive, fashion is a powerful art form that is often inspired by the adjacent types of its designs. Andy Warhol’s 1974 portrait of Yves Saint Laurent represents the artist’s desire for fashion icons. This is a commemorative gesture that…

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