Understanding the Art of Batch Coding

Understanding the Art of Batch Coding

If you are among those who are amazed by the art of batch coding, then you will want to learn the basics of coding in order for you to create your own and print it on batch printers. In this article, let’s look at the basics and some useful sources.

Learn Batch Coding for Art

When you dare to take the first steps in programming and want to experience success as quickly as possible, you should deal with what is probably the simplest language for this, “Batch”. Batch files can be created with any text editor. The Windows editor is already suitable for this, it is a good choice for initial attempts at walking. Batch is suitable as the (first) programming language if you are at least somewhat familiar with command-line commands, because batch programs, also known as “batch scripts”, are completely based on them.

Batch files have the extension .cmd or .bat – you choose the file format yourself. The latter format is identical to the call command on the Windows command line: You start this also with Windows-R and enter cmd.

One advantage of the batch is that it is relatively easy to learn. If you know a lot of command-line commands, you can get creative or less inventive but useful programs within minutes to hours. Assuming knowledge of command-line commands and their parameters, you can automate numerous tasks. This works best under Windows 10, which has more powerful technology than Windows 7 and Windows 8.1: Here, for example, different colored text displays are possible in parallel; this is a gimmick, but for (hobby) coders it may be a reason for an upgrade.

Batch: the basics

You store text instructions in batch files, which you can either save with the file extension * .bat or in CMD format. The formats are equivalent, double-clicking on such a file opens the command line (input prompt, prompt, CMD) including the script. If it is formulated correctly, the CMD processes the code it contains from top to bottom. Basically, all command-line commands also work in batch files. In exceptional cases, commands can be easily modified if you want to execute them in a batch.

The attraction of Batch is that you can store a frequently used command or several commands in CMD / BAT files and no longer have to enter the commands manually in the CMD; shell: startup opens). Another user or the batch programmer himself can also influence the actions in the executed batch program, if it has been appropriately developed:

For example, he starts the next action by pressing any key or he types something that is part of the executed command (without having to see the command, which makes complex Windows interventions accessible even to laypeople without interest or knowledge of technology; keyword variables).

